LinkedIn profile with less than 500 connections?

If you’re in the world of B2B sales, your LinkedIn Profile says a lot about you. Friends, colleagues, alumni, current clients, and prospects are all checking you out and seeing what you’re about. It’s, therefore, critical that your LinkedIn profile is up to snuff and represents you in a professional way. Let’s focus on one of the biggest points of possible failure: having fewer than 500 LinkedIn connections.

Buy Linkedin Connections

That’s right if you’ve got more connections/friends on Facebook than LinkedIn, it shows where your priorities are. If you’ve been working in a professional capacity for 3-5 years, chances are you’ve come across at least 500 people. Shouldn’t you be connected to them? LinkedIn is like your digital business card. If you’ve met people, you should use that as leverage to forge a digital connection on LinkedIn.

Would you go to a networking event and feel shy about handing out business cards?

Most of us know lots of people, but we haven’t taken the time to update our LinkedIn profiles. Don’t get left behind by not getting found or building a reputation as someone who doesn’t care about their digital footprint. As you begin social selling, your LinkedIn profile is a key component to your success. Take the time to nurture this valuable piece of real estate.

With fewer than 500 LinkedIn connections:

  • People will see you as a person who’s not connected. This is the last impression you want to leave potential buyers.
  • If you conduct a search today for someone, chances are you’ll see people in a 2nd degree* and some in a 3rd degree*. This means that if you’re not connected to a growing number of people, you won’t be in the search results. Consider that you’ve got years of experience and domain expertise and none of it matters because you can’t get found.
  • Your content/professional ideas won’t go to a broad audience. This means that your words are just recycled over and over again but have no ability to break through to a larger group of people (especially potential buyers).

All of this just means that as the buying journey begins online, your chances of getting found and having a shot at a decent conversation are minimal at best. The solution to this common problem is quite is right here, you can buy LinkedIn connections on our page, and within days you can make your profile shine with loads of connections.

The best thing is that these connections will be real people with big networks that expand your reach to millions of people. Among these people, there are several who are interested in buying from you! As you can see it’s not only an “optical tuning” of your LinkedIn profile but a real valuable service that has the potential to boost your sales.

What are 2nd and 3rd-degree connections?

Those people who are not directly connected to you, but they are connected to your direct contacts. The 2nd-degree connections are your direct contact’s connections, and the 3rd-degree contacts are your direct contact’s connection’s connection. When you search on Linkedin, you can see only those people who are within this network; everyone else is invisible for you. That is why it’s crucial to expand your network. Let’s say you have 500 direct connections, and they also have average 500 direct connections each, and their connections have average 500 each either. That means your network can contain 125 million people if we don’t take the possible overlaps into consideration.