8 Steps for Writing a Smart LinkedIn Article

LinkedIn is not only a platform for growing your professional network; this is a great opportunity to promote your goods and services as well. Do not miss it even if other promotion channels work well for your business. Just now 94% of B2B marketers use Linkedin when launching and promoting new products. 57% of companies create business pages on Linkedin to promote business and open vacancies. Users who came from Linkedin are likely to be interested in your product with a probability of 2.74%. This conversion from a visitor to a potential client is almost 3 times higher than on Facebook and Twitter combined. And this means that LinkedIn for business can bring 3 times more results than other social networks. But for this idea to be effective, you need to give cool content to your audience. In this article, we describe how to do this taking into account the specificity of Linkedin.

Refresh Your or Your Company’s Page

Before posting to LinkedIn, be sure to refresh your company page. Your employees publishing content as part of your marketing strategy must also optimize their LinkedIn profiles: specify the company and position, add publications to their achievements, etc. Before launching articles specifically written for Linkedin, it would be a good idea to launch a test series of articles that are already on your blog in order to evaluate the first reactions and mood of the target audience.

In addition, your post will initially look more reputable if your page is authoritative. Before creating articles, work on promoting your profile in Linkedin, update all the important information, create connections with as many people as possible and ask to confirm your professional skills.

Set a Clear Goal

The key to the success of a post in Linkedin begins with an understanding of the task. Here is what the publication can do:

  • Attract traffic to the site;
  • Launch a wave of comments;
  • Make people share content;
  • Provoke a discussion, etc.

If the post has a specific goal, its effectiveness will be maximum. It is important that the task of publication is obvious. If you need people to click on the link and read the post on your blog, start with a powerful headline. If you expect action from people (click, read, see, etc.), clearly tell them about it.

Be Brief but Persuasive

To be honest, modern people have no sense in reading very long opuses, the main idea of which is at the very end. The trend of social networks is that the shorter the post, the more successful it is. But this does not mean that you need to write a couple of sentences and wait for the result. It is necessary to enclose the real value in every written word.

Include Graphics or Video

As elsewhere, visual information is very well perceived on this platform. And the video is still a trend. Short videos lasting up to two minutes, very desirable with subtitles, very well manifest themselves in Linkedin. You can add this video to your article.

As for graphics, this must be created wisely. Cute kittens do not fit, because it is a social network for business. Make sure that you use adequate colors that contribute to the perception of information, and not distract the reader from the main idea.

Encourage and Inspire

A post that is unobtrusive or, on the contrary, directly challenges the audience, can receive a powerful response. Creating such content, be tolerant, respect the political views of people, avoid negative topics that can provoke hostility. In general, Linkedin is a professional network, not provocative. Although provocative articles are also published here and cause whole waves of indignation, or vice versa, approval. Anyway, make sure people understand the articles you post correctly.

For example, L’Oréal pays all attention to communicating with the audience. To engage subscribers they:

  • Ask questions and publish content that provokes discussion.
  • Publish corporate content: photos, videos, etc.
  • Congratulate their subscribers on holidays.
  • Maintain sections of content, for example, #MondayMotivation, etc.

Confirm the Accuracy of the Information You Present

An article written based on your personal opinion is good. However, for your article to have practical, scientific, or business value, it must be supported by facts, scientific data, and statistics. Do not forget to add links to the sources used, or the opinions of the industry leaders on which you relied.

Think About the Frequency of Publications

The frequency of publication affects the frequency of updates in the news, in which there is competition for the target audience. In addition, professionals without a personal blog often use LinkedIn Pulse just as you use a corporate blog. In most cases, it makes no sense to publish materials with the same frequency as in the blog. Use research results about the best time to post on Linkedin to increase engagement and effectiveness.

This Audience Will Not Forgive You Grammar Mistakes

Do not forget about it. Sharks of business and recruiting live on this platform, and some of them are just waiting for the opportunity to show their intelligence and superiority. If you make a stupid grammatical mistake, they will criticize you before the sun goes down. Therefore, it is better to avoid grammatical errors and be sure to check your text with the help of special services, and better – a professional editor.

But there is a positive point – your post will accurately gather a lot of comments.

At last

To make your post really cool, it is important to remember two more important things. This is honesty and relevance. Show the audience what you really think about, frankly, tell about the values ​​on which your brand develops. In addition, people are attracted to the fact that you understand their needs. It all works in your favor. But even a tiny falsehood is felt immediately, and it instantly takes away thousands of potential customers from you. Therefore, be sincere and straightforward, post photos and videos, including calls to action in publications, give links to your website if they are relevant. And do not forget about the specifics of the target audience. Information products aimed at business development, have a chance to get the greatest response on this platform.

About the author:
Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks and empowers using the magic of a word. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors. Now she works as a freelance writer at TrustMyPaper and runs her own blog, FlyWriting.